Simon-Pierre Gorza, Professor
Born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1978
M.Sc. Physics engineering from ULB in 2001, and PhD from ULB in 2005
2001 - 2005 : Ph.D. researcher at ULB Research activity in nonlinear optics about spatial and temporal solitons, on the stability of soliton laser beams in hyperbolic nonlinear media and on the optical gap soliton in periodically structured nonlinear waveguides
2005 - 2006 : postdoctoral researcher in the Ultrafast Optic group at the Oxford University (UK), recipient of a postdoctoral grant from the Wiener-Anspach Foundation. Developpement of new techniques for ultrashort optical pulse characterization (LX-SPIDER and CAR-SPIDER)
2007 - 2010 : FRS-FNRS postdoctoral researcher in the OPERA-Photonics Group (ULB) Research activities in Nonlinear Optics about Spatial and Temporal Aspect of Nonlinear Optics in Semiconductors, and Chalcogenide Optical Waveguides. Development of new nonlinear imaging techniques (multiphoton microscopy)
2010 - ... : Assistant-Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles
Organizer of two scientific exhibitions : Ingénieux, ça marche ( and Si nous parlions des energies? ( He is also organizer of the Ateliers Jeunes Ingénieurs ( that take place each year during the Printemps des Sciences. Simon-Pierre Gorza was awarded the 2011 Wernears prize for the organization of the exhibition Si nous parlions des énergies
Teaching activities
PHYS-H410 : Laser physics
ELEC-H507 : Photonic communication systems
Research activities
Simon-Pierre Gorza is a member of the OPERA-Photonics Group. His research area covers spatial and temporal aspect of nonlinear optics in third and second order nonlinear media, pulse characterisation techniques and application of linear and nonlinear optics to bio-imaging (multiphoton microscopy and fluorescence optical probe).
He is co-author of more than 50 papers published in peer-reviewed international Journals and Conferences and co-author of one patent (Ultra-short optical pulse measurement using a thick nonlinear crystal, (