1. Polytech
  2. OPERA-Photonics

Pedro Parra Rivas


In 2010, Pedro received his degree in Physics (Licenciatura en Fisica) at the Universidad de Granada. In 2011 he received a Master degree in mathematics at the Universidad de Salamanca, where he specialized in advanced mathematical methods in physics, in particular in differential geometry. That same year he joined the IFISC institute at Palma de Mallorca, where he started his current research about nonlinear dynamics of localized structures in dissipative systems. In 2013 he got a FWO scholarship and in 2017 he completed a joint PhD in Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and in Physics at the Universidat des Illes Balears. From October to December 2014 he worked with Prof. Edgar Knobloch at UC Berkeley, USA.

In October 2017 he started a postdoc position at the KUL in the group of Dynamics of biological systems led by Prof. Lendert Gelens. The same year he got a FNRS postdoctoral position as charge de recherche and joined OPERA-photonique at the ULB in October 2018 where he collaborates with François Leo. His current research focus on the study of the dynamics of dissipative structures in the context of quadratic dispersive optical cavities. In his free time, he loves traveling around the world and enjoy life as much as he can.


Teaching activities


Research activities



Updated on April 19, 2021