Research activities

Non-linear optics in optical fiber cavities, in particular the generation of optical frequency combs.

Teaching activities

Bachelor course for Civil Engineering students :

PHYS-H302 : Élements d'optique physique

PHYS-H510 : Nonlinear optics ELEC-H507 : Photonic communication system

Master courses for Civil Engineering students :


Born in 1993 in Ixelles, Nicolas received his master degree in physical engineering at ULB in 2018. His master thesis, realized in the OPERA-Photonic group under the direction of Professor Simon-Pierre Gorza and François Leo, was entitled "Numerical and experimental study of frequencyconversion in a all-fibre resonator with quadratic non-linearity". In September 2018, Nicolas joined the OPERA-Photonic group where he is now a PhD student working in the field of nonlinear optic sunder the supervision of Professor Simon-Pierre Gorza and François Leo, thanks to a Doctoral grant of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research. His research focus on optical frequency combs generation in an all-fibre configuration.


Updated on November 3, 2021