Clélia Deroo-Blanquart Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles
Campus du Solbosch - CP 194/05
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
1050 Bruxelles

Research activities

Teaching activities


I investigate how to generate single photons using non linear phenomenons taking place in optical fibers, like four wave mixing.
Born in 1998, Clélia received her master degree in physics at ULB in 2023. She realized her master thesis entitled "Single photons without single emitters", in the OPERA-Photonic group under the direction of Professor Stéphane Clemmen. In September 2013, Clélia joined the OPERA-Photonic group where she is now a PhD student working in the field of nonlinear optic under the supervision of Professor Stéphane Clemmen.





Updated on December 15, 2023