Antoine Platteau

Research activities

To be defined.

Teaching activities

Bachelier en ingénieur de gestion :

PHYS-S1001 - Connaissances fondamentales et éléments de physique

PHYS-S201 - Physique des technologies de l'information

GEST-S3002 - Séminaire pluridisciplinaire de sciences et technologie


Antoine was born in 1998. He grew up in Namur but moved to Brussels to study Business Engineering at Solvay, ULB. Both, bachelor’s and master’s degree were completed in the same university. In January 2020, Antoine had the opportunity to spend 6 months at the Auckland University of Technology, New, Zealand, in the context of an exchange program, part of his master’s degree. He wrote his master thesis, entitled “Impact analysis of tutoring on the success of first-year student in the Faculty of Psychological and Educational Sciences” under the supervision of Catherine Dehon and Philippe Emplit. Antoine graduated in September 2021 and decided to take a break before taking up employment. He spent 6 months in Madrid as an intern in a company providing market insights in the Entertainment industry. Before starting his PhD in October 2022, he worked part-time as a Teaching Assistant in Statistics, for a course of Probabilities and Statistical Inference.

He then joined the Opera-photonic department where he works part-time as a Teaching Assistant in Physics. The other half of the time is dedicated to the writing of a PhD thesis, under the supervision of Catherine Dehon and Philippe Emplit. Through his thesis, Antoine wishes to deepen the results obtained during his master thesis and analyse how success-promoting tools, implemented by the university, influence the university career of first year students.


No publications yet.



Updated on December 15, 2022